Copse ‘N’ Corpse (Part 13)

~ Copse ‘n’ Corpse (Part 13) ~ By ~ Dewin Nefol ~


Rain fell lashing in puddles splashing,

Whilst sea surged dashing rocks: but,

One moment tender paused to linger,

Soft lips interlocked.


Posed embracing whilst he bracing,

Pulled her closer still.

As if as one, both overcome,

Tears begun to spill.


About his hand her fingers curled,

In which his precious heart was held,

“Come what may,” I heard her say,

“Together forever night and day.”


A way away upon high land,

In reach of us upon low sand,

A bell sung-out the hour at hand:

Sending forth its one demand.


“Come my love, we can’t delay,”

“Perpetuity exists beyond the grey,”

“Our time has come, we must be gone,”

“Spirited far, far away.”


Closer still, now limpet tight,

Entwined upon this stormy night,

In yearning to escape their plight,

She moved her hand to make it right.


His withered heart from cloth unrolled,

B’twixt black sack, poke of old,

Placed in a space with tender care,

Nightingale eased his aching despair.


Wide-eyed was I, and so entranced,

This lurid love an exquisite romance.

I dared not blink, for if by chance,

I missed their changing circumstance.


Twas then a flash of jagged light,

A flailing chord lightning white,

Lit bright the dark of darkly night,

Blinded me, blurred my sight.


That searing bolt of brilliant hue,

Raced at pace, fast and true,

Struck both lovers still infused,

Bored deep into the floor.


Bedrock shattered, fragments scattered,

Sand fused as glassine,

Never before in all my yore

Had I witnessed such a scene!


So sudden was this manifestation:

This pyrotechnic aberration,

With thunder came conflagration,

Scorching heat, decimation!


Air dense with dirt, dust, debris,

With flame and smoke engulfing me,

I was lifted-up, blown-around,

Thrown down hard on sodden ground.


Dazed, confused, battered, bruised,

Breathless, pale with shock,

Slipping, sliding, intent on hiding,

I scrambled to the rocks.


Slumped behind a craggy boulder,

I chanced quick glance across my shoulder,

To where beyond the blistering blaze,

A shadow loomed in rippling haze.


~ Copse ‘n’ Corpse (Part 12) precedes this post. Part 14 to follow shortly ~


~ Artwork by Dewin Nefol ~


21 thoughts on “Copse ‘N’ Corpse (Part 13)

  1. AaaaH pyrotechnics and sinister shadows. I wondered when you were going to give vent to your creative urge again!

  2. Hey Opher, how are you?

    Thank you….of late I’ve been easily distracted and cheerfully roaming but settling now and happily gloaming.

    ‘Tis the season for bonfires and fireworks….I attended a great display the other night, best show in years.

    Thanks for dropping-by and commenting.


    • Hey Cindy, how are you?

      It’s kind of you to pop-by, read and comment, thank you.

      As you know, I follow no story blueprint and simply go with the flow dependant on mood and whim. The next chapter will undoubtedly determine quite where a building sense of foreboding leads: possibilities are manifold but certainly I’d like to progress the story towards conclusion.

      Hoping all is well in love, life, health and happiness. Have a great week 😀


    • Hey Guillergalo,

      De un poeta a otro, gracias. Su comentario es muy apreciado.

      Que tengan un maravilloso fin de semana.

      Los mejores deseos,


  3. Hey Liz,

    Unexpected for me as well (!), but then it wouldn’t do to be predictable now would it? 😉 Quite where Chapter 14 will take me is anyone’s guess: I’d anticipated the poem’s completion already, but yet, it remains as elusive as ever.

    Hoping all is well.


  4. Another most brilliant episode Dewin, and this verse I thought in particular outstanding in its delivery
    ” So sudden was this manifestation:This pyrotechnic aberration,With thunder came conflagration,Scorching heat, decimation!” How do you think up these excellent lines 🙂
    Also loved your artwork too my friend.. Always a special treat..
    I hope you are keeping dry where you are.. Here we have more flood warnings in place.. it is getting quite Biblical lol around the world.. I wrote a poem only two nights ago as I was woken to words which would not get out of my head until I wrote them down.. To be shared at some later point in time.. 🙂
    Reading your last comment to to Liz, the words will come when ready… and then they will flow…
    Take care my friend.. SO good to see your poetry again..
    Thank you so much for your continued friendship and support..

    • Hey Sue,

      Whether psychological or otherwise, writing Chapter 13 (or the 13th stanza) always feels slightly problematic to me as if plagued by doubt or uncertainty. Invariably it takes longer to write them as well, which is a curious thing. This chapter coincided with Mercury’s transit of the Sun and short-lived thunderstorms, both of which most probably influenced my imagination somewhat, particularly the lines you cited. But the story has progressed as a consequence and that is the main thing. Thank you for comment on those, and also on the artwork…I thought it time to add an image as it’d been a while since last I did 😀

      Weather-wise, the immediate area is heavily saturated but, thankfully, without flooding. It is very soggy underfoot and a perpetual dampness hangs in the air, but otherwise all is well. We’ve also been fortunate in not having snow as yet, although secretly I hope for a flurry or two around Christmas: I think the festive season demands nothing less as long as it lasts for only a few days and doesn’t hinder celebrations in any adverse way.

      Very pleased to hear you respond so enthusiastically to the call of the muse and attend to her demands so readily. I’ll look forward to reading dais piece as-and-when you release those channelled words on your blog. (As days get shorter and nights grow longer I’ll most probably spend a little more time on-line.)

      You wrote: ‘Reading your last comment to to Liz, the words will come when ready… and then they will flow…’ – I’m sure you are right Sue. Words always flow but seem to come at the most inconvenient moment, mostly when I’m engaging in other activities and have no means of writing them down. But if there’s one lesson i’ve learnt in life that is to appreciate patience…that those same words will return at a later time and be better for waiting 😀

      Thank you for appreciation and another welcome comment. Most grateful for your readership, friendship and support.

      Brightest blessings, Namaste,


      • I had not seen or received your reply here Dewin so forgive the late response.. Taking time out in recent weeks after you posted this. And just now getting around to catch up with your new episodes.. Re reading this gem has ignited the flame to know more of what happened after that lightning flash..
        And I see a couple more chapters are waiting for me to read…

        Hope you had a lovely Christmas.. And yes I too was hoping for snow over the festive period.. Alas the weather warmed up..
        Sending you my well wishes for a Wonderful New Year ahead.. May your talent keep us in suspense with your magical tales..

        Love and Blessings dear Dewin..
        Sue 🙂

        • How are you dear Sue? 😀

          Lovely to hear from you Sue, I hope all is well and the New Year has been welcoming with its embrace: may it prove to be a wonderful year for you.

          Thank you for asking, Christmas was a success, albeit busy, and full to brimming with hustle and bustle…15 guests around the dinner table this year and 7 dogs beneath it, 5 of which were puppies! To paraphrase the festive period, Christmas concerned itself with People, Parties, Presents, Puppies, Pooh, Piddle, and Puppy-Pads! All good fun 😀

          ‘Tis never of concern receiving a late reply…I’m just grateful to have your readership and good company. I understand entirely why time off-line is important and hope it is serving its purpose. With Spring nigh on the horizon, I’ll look forward to your blooming return to the blog-sphere and further news from the proverbial allotment.

          Always a pleasure to have you drop-by and receive your appreciative comments Sue, thank you for returning for a catch up. The story is continuing to flow onwards, albeit slowly, (nearly 900 lines already), and I hope it will start to pick-up the pace a little more in future episodes.

          Happy New Year 2020! I’m certain it will prove a wonderful year for you.

          Brightest blessings. Take care of one and all 😀


          • So happy to read you had a lovely family Christmas fourlegged ones and all.. 🙂
            The allotment plot is still providing, and supply of Brussels sprouts and parsnips is it seems never ending..
            We had a load of Manure delivered yesterday, so the first fine day we get we will be moving and spreading it around 🙂 ..
            I hope your own weekend has been peaceful and relaxing… The days of January already rolling by too swiftly..
            Take care also Dewin.. and Thank you . 🙂

            • Hey Sue,

              After months of excited build-up, Christmas comes and goes in the blink of an eye, but the exuberance of puppies, and dogs, goes on for years! They had a whale of a time!

              Good to hear the allotment is in fine fertile fettle and continues to provide you with vegetable bounty. I imagine you have several recipe ideas for both Brussels and ‘nips, but if not, here is a link to 31 recipes for parsnips for your delectation:


              Thank you also for mentioning manure as reminder to me to get the compost-heap turned over and spread on the flower beds. I’d been putting off that particular job for as long as possible and it had slipped my mind.

              The weekend has been enjoyable thank you Sue: not wholly relaxing but peaceful all the same. Every year the days seem to roll-by ever quicker…’tis as if time speeds up the older one gets.

              A slate grey sky day here today with occasional drizzle, but that a perfect excuse to relax a little and enjoy a film on the goggle-box: ‘Alien: Covenant’.

              Have a wonderful afternoon and a pleasant evening. Until next time,


  5. Always a pleasure to receive a comment from you Maria. Thank you for back-tracking and catching up on the poem’s progress thus far.

    Sometimes I wonder whether the poem has gotten a little flat, that the drama has quietened or the pace slowed too much? Fifteen stanzas don’t offer much room for manoeuvre but I think its flexible enough to ease the story forward on all fronts. Occasionally I might deliberate on certain aspects of the narrative but one could always suggest it is superfluous padding. Hopefully I find an acceptable balance.

    Thank you for stopping-by Maria. Enjoy a wonderful week.


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